For those interested in purchasing or adopting Alaskan Malamute puppies, a word of caution is in order: these are not dogs for the beginner. While they are lovely family dogs, they grow to be large dogs with a stubborn and independent streak. If you have no experience training a dog, you may want to get a more trainable breed!
Image via WikipediaYou need to remember that though malamute puppies are cute and cuddly now, they will eventually grow up - 25 inches and 85 pounds for males, 23 inches and 75 pounds for females. They are energetic and athletic dogs, bred to pull heavy freight across the Arctic. As such, they prefer cold climates, though they can handle hotter areas, though this is certainly not ideal.
Because of their athletic background, "Mal" puppies need a lot of exercise and room to run around. If they are kept inside a small apartment or home all day, with little exercise, they will unfortunately take out their energy on your furniture and will be a general menace. Make sure to walk them vigorously at least twice a day, though the ideal is an open yard for them to run and play in for hours.
Though they are powerful and independent dogs, they are very friendly and great around children. They are so friendly that malamutes are not good guard dogs! To keep them in line, you will definitely have to reinforce your 'dominance' at an early age. Your malamute puppy needs to know who the pack leader is and needs to be constantly reminded of that fact.
Malamutes also need daily brushing, especially during the warmer months when they blow their considerable coat. Don't be surprised to find clumps of hair throughout your house regardless of how much you brush your dog. Luckily, malamute puppies rarely bark or yip, though they may occasionally howl when the mood strikes them.
Overall, malamute puppies are cute, energetic, and friendly pups, but not meant for the unprepared owner!
Because of their athletic background, "Mal" puppies need a lot of exercise and room to run around. If they are kept inside a small apartment or home all day, with little exercise, they will unfortunately take out their energy on your furniture and will be a general menace. Make sure to walk them vigorously at least twice a day, though the ideal is an open yard for them to run and play in for hours.
Though they are powerful and independent dogs, they are very friendly and great around children. They are so friendly that malamutes are not good guard dogs! To keep them in line, you will definitely have to reinforce your 'dominance' at an early age. Your malamute puppy needs to know who the pack leader is and needs to be constantly reminded of that fact.
Malamutes also need daily brushing, especially during the warmer months when they blow their considerable coat. Don't be surprised to find clumps of hair throughout your house regardless of how much you brush your dog. Luckily, malamute puppies rarely bark or yip, though they may occasionally howl when the mood strikes them.
Overall, malamute puppies are cute, energetic, and friendly pups, but not meant for the unprepared owner!
For more information on Malamutes, see this article on malamute puppies. Other animal information can be found here, including this article on horse stalls.
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