Monday, August 30, 2010

Competition Dog Training

Dog competitions are exciting events in which the owners can demonstrate the skills of their dogs. For many weeks, the dog trainer spends hours with her pet to ensure that the dog can perfectly execute commands. So much money is invested in dog training supplies. So much time is devoted in dog agility training and dog obedience training. The pet owner also reads up a lot of literature about dog training tips. Then, when the day of the dog competition show comes, the dog could not even make a decent run. Where are the skills that the pet learned during dog training? Why is the pet not responding to the voice of the dog trainer? The following can be the three primary reasons.

o Too much enthusiasm - The atmosphere in a dog competition show is different from the atmosphere during dog training. There are many other dogs and there are lots of people. The dogs and people may trigger a lot of excitement and enthusiasm in the dog. And the result could be a pet that is too excited to respond to the commands of its master. The dog may also get confused and will not perform correctly. If this situation is observed in the pet, the trainer must change the dog training techniques. Instead of keeping an orderly training day, the trainer must simulate the atmosphere of the competition show. Excitement can be increased by training the dog with other dogs around and other people. Become more animated during the training and raise the level of tension and frenzy.

o Lack of enthusiasm - Some dogs exhibit a lot of enthusiasm during training and then display a lack of it during the competition show. The usual reason for this apparent lack of enthusiasm is stress. With too many other dogs and too many people, the pet feels much anxiety. The dog trainer, who is also anxious, may communicate such anxiety towards her pet. With anxiety, the dog lacks the motivation to listen and even follow the commands of its master. The dog's actions are lackluster. If this is the situation with the animal, the trainer must again simulate the level of frenzy in a competition show during the training. During the competition show, the dog trainer must lower the pitch of her own voice and do her best to be as calm as possible. With a calm trainer, the animal experience less stress. In this manner, the doggie can overcome the anxiety and can pay better attention to its matter.

o Rewards - Rewards are part of training the dog. The dog is more motivated to perform a skill when it knows that a treat is given right after. Unfortunately, the frequency of rewards during the competition show is considerably less often than during the training day. During competition, the dog may not perform well simply because there is no reward that it can see. If this is the situation, the dog trainer must begin to reduce the frequency of rewards during dog training. The reward is supposed to train the doggie and not to bribe it.

Increase the happy years of your dog by checking out my free e-book. In it I reveal all the secrets I've used to develop a happy, healthier dog. Visit Dr. Alfonso's dog training blog [] right now...


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