Monday, August 9, 2010

Your Dog Tips - Puppy Proof Your Home

There's no question that parents child proof their house. Should you puppy proof as well? Yes you should. Puppies can get into all sorts of trouble even if you're just around the corner in the next room. Even well behaved puppies are curious about their surroundings. They explore with their mouths.

If you aren't crating your puppy or dog when you leave, make sure the area where they're confined has fresh water. Don't put water in a crate. It can easily spill and make a sloppy mess. Use a bottle with a spout that can be licked to distribute water.

Get down to puppy level to see what might be tempting. Look for dangling electrical cords which may be an attractive plaything for a puppy. Dogs have been known to chew cords severely burning their mouths if not worse. Dangling blind cords can be wrapped around necks and lead to choking. The dog can chew the cord and have it get caught in their throat.

The kitchen and bathroom are favorite rooms to leave a dog confined when you leave the house. Use baby proof locks that prevent the dog from opening the drawers and cabinets. You may think it funny when you come home and find Fido covered in flour from nose to tail, but inhaled flour can lead to lung problems. Dogs eat first and decide later whether it's food or not. Even with substances that aren't poisonous, too much of a good thing can mean trouble. For example: the puppy might decide that loaf of bread is just the perfect morning snack. If he eats the entire loaf and then drinks water, the loaf will expand in his tummy causing trouble.

Small dogs and puppies can get caught behind the refrigerator. Block off access if possible.
Dogs have a different threshold for taste than humans do. You might not think that the dog will drink or eat something that smells bad to you. To the dog, it just smells, there is no bad or good about it. Keep the garbage securely covered or remove the garbage when you leave.
The bathroom holds cosmetics and cleaning products, neither of which are meant for puppies. Secure these products where the dog can't get at them. Close the toilet lid. You don't want the puppy falling in. It just takes a few inches of water for a drowning to take place. If the puppy falls in head first he may not be able to get out before he drowns.

If your dog is big and can reach the kitchen counters, clear off whatever might be a problem. Some dogs are tall enough to reach the kitchen sink so don't leave dirty dishes in the sink. Rose, our Irish Setter, is notorious for "helping" to clean dirty plates, cups, and pans.

Puppies don't like messing where they sleep. They are taught at an early age by their mother and siblings that going potty where the pack sleeps is a no-no. As a general rule a puppy can hold their urine an hour for every month old they are. So a 2 month old puppy needs to go potty every 2 hours during the day. Keep that in mind when you leave.

Every dog needs a place where he feels safe and secure. Provide a blanket or bed, and a few non breakable toys where he's being left.

Dee Power is the two legged companion of Rose, the Irish Setter, and Kate, the English Springer Spaniel. Visit their website for more tips about dog training. More tips to house breaking puppy
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